2024-1 Permanent Makeup Fundamentals
PMU Tattooing Fundamentals & Business Success Course - 1 Week
Available spots
Service Description
Start your Permanent Makeup Career at Beauty Rituals Academy with a PMU Apprenticeship under Mallori Duvall, LE (AAM PMU Diamond Certified) This fundamentals course is all you need to complete the licensing requirements in your county. This is an advanced course for those who want to excel in business. You must be 18+ and be able to train for a week in Canfield, Ohio (We have hotel and accommodation recommendations at your own expense.) 3 models per segment included (9 Total) Your Additional Model Fees are $75 per model (Average 20 Models During Apprenticeship) *FINANCING AVAILABLE- please go through the Payment Plan ( https://www.beautyritualsmedspa.com/payment-plans) tab and then contact your instructor (Mallori - BeautyRitualsTattoo@gmail.com) for enrollment. *If you would like to pay cash for enrollment, email BeautyRitualsTattoo@gmail.com MONTHLY CLASS STARTS & SOLO ENROLLMENT AVAILABLE, EMAIL WITH QUESTIONS IF BOOKING AUTOMATICALLY IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU. We have space for you to grow! ***IMPORTANT*** Dates are subject to change. Setting your deposit means you're able to schedule a specific start date with your instructor that works with your schedule, or join our group session listed here. Only one session is needed to complete the course - one week of classes at 584. E. Main Street, Unit 40, canfield, Ohio 44406
Contact Details
584 East Main Street, Canfield, OH, USA